Monday, October 13, 2008


Welcome to the ramblings of a slightly skewed brain. My someday fantasy is to have an anthology of short stories. Until that day arrives, I’ve written a novel. Actually if truth be a requisite here, I’ve written three novels and two-thirds of another one about the same family. Of course, this isn’t your everyday family. Their gene pool incorporates three different beings from three different planets. Since these novels come from a skewed brain, the novels are a fusion of genres.

The first fusion novel will help prove why. It’s a Sci-Fi, family saga set in the aftermath of the Civil War in the plains country of Texas.

Gather the Children will be available at, Borders, and Publish America.

Here’s a blurb from a fellow author: Have aliens from different times and planets settled among us and mixed their genes with ours? Yes, they have, according to the basic premise of Gather the Children, an action packed novel by Mari Collier set in the troubled times of the cattle country of post-Civil War Texas. Imbedded in a western tale of Indian captivity, bar room brawls, gunfights, and murder is the story of two families of battling aliens attempting to regroup their forces for a return to their homes. The intimate involvement of the aliens with unsuspecting humans complicates the situation and creates a suspenseful page-turning tale. By Norman Rudnick, author of The Murder of Eleanor Lindquist and The Hayward of Rye Village.


Caitlyn Willows said...
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Caitlyn Willows said...

Oops...typo in my first post. I deleted and am trying once more. :)

Congratulations on your first release, Mari! And welcome to the crazy world of the published author. Here's to many, many sales and tons more releases!

:) Catherine Snodgrass